
Sunday, July 17, 2016

How I Discovered Minimalism

Around spring time each year I get excited about the idea of taking my winter clothes out and putting my spring clothes in, but this year I wanted more. I wasn't happy about what I owned and I was struggling to find what to wear each day, even when my closet was full of clothes. I knew I wanted to do a mayor clear out and I wanted a more practical wardrobe. I was tired of opening the closet door and feeling overwhelmed by how full it was. In other words, I wanted to be able to pick what to wear quickly, feel comfortable in what I wore and only have items that I knew I would wear.  That's when I started going to YouTube for help. I watched a video on how to start a "capsule wardrobe" that Anna from "Viviana Does Makeup" had posted. I thought that it was a good starting point but at the same time that led me to the discovery of a whole new concept: Minimalism

After watching Anna's video, I started searching for more on the same topic to get more ideas. Then one day I came across a video about Minimalism. I was very intrigued by it, so I started watching more and more videos about it. I discovered "The Minimalists" and since then, I have changed my view about Consumerism. I also noticed that I had way to much stuff and I figured that, not only was I overwhelmed by my closet, but also about other things I had. I started realizing that my makeup collection was not realistic (I had way more than I needed), I had lots of accumulated paperwork, and in general a lot of stuff that was unnecessary to have.

In April 2016 I decided that I wanted to be a Minimalist because it made sense to me. That's when I combined the capsule wardrobe idea with Minimalism and that was my first step into a more simplified way of life (I feel so much better now). I'm planning to write more posts about my personal process of de-cluttering my space so maybe someone else can benefit from it the same way I have benefited from information online. Make sure you check my blog soon if you want to find out more. I do not post that often because of my busy lifestyle but I'm trying to be more consistent and post at least once a month. Thanks for reading :)

Here are some links you might find useful:

The Minimalists Website
The Minimalists - TEDx Talks
How To Make a Capsule Wardrobe

PS: Exciting life changes happening soon ;)